Letter from the Honorable Rabbi of the Kotel, Rav Shmuel Rabinovitch
September 28th 2014
Hello to all,
I received [the] letter concerning the important initiative of writing 75 Sifrey Torah in the name of the fallen in the name of G-d during the last battle – Operation Protective Edge.
Those young soldiers […] are the heroes of our generation. Israel’s heroes such as these are worthy of a holy commemoration […], as the prophet Joshua said: “Even unto them will I give in My house and within My walls a monument and memorial better than sons and daughters; I will give them an everlasting memorial that shall not be cut off.” (Joshua 56:5)
This particular project you are partaking in deserves support and it’s currently making waves – even to a spiritual level, to elevate the fallen […] souls.
The Kotel staff would be more than happy to be part of this project as well as provide assistance.
With great respect,
Shmuel Rabinovitch
Chief Rabbi of the Western Wall and Holy Places