For over 150 years, AIU assured the education and trained generations of Jewish young leaders from the Mediterranean basin. Pursuing its mission, AIU thrives today in Israel, Europe and in North America, developing networks of Jewish schools, adult education and young leadership programs.
AIU Canada follows this path and creates new opportunities in education. It is involved in part of the network of Jewish days schools in Montreal and its objective is to promote and contribute to quality Jewish education, always aligned with tradition and modernity.
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Since its foundation in 1976, the Communauté Sépharade Unifiée du Québec, its primary mission is to preserve, enhance, and promote the culture and Sephardic identity.
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IYIM - is the Israel branch of the National Council of Young Israel - a 100 year old Orthodox Synagogue umbrella group that has always been proudly Zionistic.
The Israel branch is involved in its 55 branches from Beersheva and Sderot in the South through to Karmiel and Hispin in the North, in social welfare activities with Israel's poor, programming with the IDF Rabbinate, with English speaking olim of various ages and more.
IYIM strives to enhance Jewish Peoplehood by aiming to strengthen connections between our members in Israel and their counterparts in Young Israel synagogues spread throughout North America.
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Justice for Jews from Arab Countries mission is:
a) To represent the interests of Jews from Arab countries;
b) To recognize the legacy of Jewish refugees from Arab countries;
c) To register and record personal testimonies of Jews from Arab countries, in order to preserve their history and heritage;
d) To serve as a clearing house of information and documentation on Jewish refugees from Arab countries; and
e) To conduct public education programs that provide historical perspective, in the pursuit of truth, justice and reconciliation.
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The "Yad Labanim" organization was established in 1950, not long after the war of independence. The organization unites bereaved parents and siblings - Jews, Druze, Circassians and Bedouins, who lost their loved ones in the Israeli wars. Nowadays, "Yad Labanim" counts 12,000 bereaved families, who are active in 64 branches throughout the country.
The organization is a legally registered voluntary association and is the representative of the bereaved family in Israel. Its main principles are, caring for the bereaved families and perpetuating the heritage of the fallen soldiers to the younger generation and to every citizen in Israel. A heritage of firmness, faith, empathy with the mission, and the willingness for self-sacrifice without reservation, for the safety and the existence of the state of Israel.
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LIBI, the official fund of the IDF, was established in 1980 by Prime Minister Menachem Begin and the IDF Chief of Staff Rafael Eitan to provide for the educational, religious, medical and recreational needs of Israeli soldiers. Libi canada is a non-profit organization run by a network of volunteers.

Friends of the Israel Defense Forces (FIDF) was established in 1981 by a group of Holocaust survivors to provide for education and wellbeing of the men and women who serve in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) as well as the families of fallen soldiers. Headquartered in New York City, FIDF is a not-for-profit corporation that operates 15 regional offices in the United States and Panama.
The strength of the IDF, which has been guarding the State of Israel since it declared independence in 1948, derives from the selfless determination and great capabilities of the young men and women who form it. At the tender age of 18, all Israelis are drafted into the IDF. Those who serve commit to uphold the difficult tasks of defending Israel’s borders and guaranteeing the safety of its people.
The Israeli government is responsible for training IDF soldiers and providing them with the necessary tools for their service. FIDF is committed to providing these soldiers with love, support, and care in an effort to ease the burden they carry on behalf of the Jewish community worldwide.