We are so grateful for the support that benefited the project Kesher Lanetzah right from the start.
On a recent Canadian Solidarity Mission to Isreal, early August 2014, Mr. Laurent Amram, the founder of this project, met the parents of Sergeant Hadar Goldin Z"L. He spontaneously offered to donate a Sefer Torah in his name. This unexpected encounter gave birth to the idea that each victim of Operation Protective Edge must have a Sefer Torah dedicated in their name. During that very trip to Israel, many doors opened. With surprising ease, he was able to meet the Rishon Letzion Rabbi Itzchak Yossef Shlit"a and Honorable Chief Rabbi David Lau of Israel to present them the project. From the very beginning, this project was greeted with enthusiasm by them; they both gave their blessing on the spot.
Find here the first letter that helped set off project Kesher Lanetzah.
Upon his return to Montreal, Mr. Amram quickly formed a commitee with some of Montreal's leading Jewish community figures. Thanks to them, we were able to reach out to prominent Jewish organizations. We are proud to have these organizations as our partners. Their support has given our project exponential headway.
Discover who these organizations are here.