"We cannot bring them back. We can perpetuate their name."
Originally the initiative of the Kesher Lanetsah committee chaired by Laurent Amram, was to dedicate 75 Sifre Torah to the 75 military and civilian victims of "Operation Protective Edge" and thus perpetuate the memory of these victims along with the three young teenagers whose lives were lost.
The project was inaugurated September 11, 2014 in Netanya in a ceremony during which the first letters of three Sifre Torah, were inscribed by Rishon Lezion Harav Kvod, Harav Yosef Itzchak Shlita.
Throughout the year many donors and volunteers answered the call for contributions from destinations as diverse as Montreal, Toronto, Florida, Los Angeles, New York, Paris, Chile, Mexico, Egypt, Brazil, Venezuela, Spain, Morocco, South Africa and Israel as well as associations such as Yad Lebanim, Libi, FIDF and many more. All embraced the Kesher Lanetsah project whose mission evolved.
Indeed the Government of Israel had long wanted to find a worthy and solemn manner in which to commemorate the 23.336 soldiers, police and secret agents (Mossad and Shin Bet) fallen for Israel since 1860. This is the first time that such a large number of Sifre Torah will be celebrated at the Kotel, since the destruction of the second temple 1945 years ago. It soon became evident to those involved in this project (the Kesher Lanetzah Committee and members of the Israeli government) that it was fitting that this historic and highly spiritual ceremony should commemorate all the soldiers who died for Israel.
Each soldier, IDF fighter, police and secret agent not only fights for the security of Israel's residents, but for all Jews around the world, so that everyone can be proud of their identity and live safely in whatever country they are.
Under the Yad Lebanim organization, these Sifré Torah are destined for synagogues in Israel affiliated with communities, institutions or organizations that have expressed a need for them.
Also under the sponsorship of Libi Israel and its worldwide subsidiaries, Kesher Lanetzah will also dedicate a Sifrey Torah to each of the 8 IDF brigades: Golani, Givati, Nahal, Tsanhanim, Chiryon, Handassa, Bead1, Bislah, involved in this operation. These Sifré Torah are destined for the synagogues in each of their military bases. For more information on Libi and our other partners, click here.
The main ceremony will take place at the Kotel Wednesday, August 12, in the presence of Prime Minister B. Netanyahu, the President R.Rivlin, the Chief of Staff G. Eizengot, the chief rabbi of Israel Harav Yosef Itzchak Shlita, the Rav Rabbi Harav Harachi David Lau, the president of France Libi, Gladys Tibi, the president of Canada Libi, Ralph Benatar, the bereaved families and dignitaries and many other representatives of the government and army. The founder of Kesher Lanetsah Laurent Amram and his committee will be present.
Kesher Lanetzah Project

Sruli Twerski is a young and vibrant rising star in the Jewish music world.
This song- "Chayaleinu"- our soldiers is a tribute to the soul of our nation. It speaks to our battles, our trials, our bravery, our passion, and our unity as a Jewish people.
More detail on the YouTube Page
The Rishon Letzion Kvod Harav Itzhak Yosef Shlit"a inscribes the first letters of the first Sefer Torah.
This video was taken during the Official Launch that took place September 11th, 2014. Click here to read more about the event.