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Letter from the Chief Rabbi Saul Emanuel from the Montreal VAAD

November 18th, 2014


To our brethren, Klal Israel,


During the recent escalation of violence in Israel, some of our finest in Israel, both in the military and civilians, were tragically taken from us. As one family, all of us share their grief and sorrow and we will never forget them and their heroic dedication. All in all, seventy five souls, beautiful neshamot, perished at the hands of the enemy.


Much has and is being done in the memory of these great people. Kesher Lanetzah has been established for the purpose of dedicating seventy-five Sifrei Torah in the memory of each of those who tragically died. What better way could there be to honour their pure souls that to dedicate a Sefer Torah in their blessed memory. As it says in the passuk, “Lo yamut sefer haTorah mipicha, mi pi zeracha, mi pi zera zeracha.” The Sefer Torah shall never leave your mouth, your children’s mouths, and the mouths of your children’s children. It is eternal. So too, the memory of the seventy five human beings who perished is etched on our hearts, forever.


Please assist Kesher Lanetzah, through the writing of these Sifrei Torah, in their quest for an everlasting memorial.


Rabbi Saul Emanuel

Executive Director



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