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Letter from Laurent Amram

September 8th, 2014


Dear Friends,


We, Jews of the Diaspora were greatly affected by “Operation Protective Edge," and felt despair at the idea that our young soldiers were risking their lives at every moment on the war front. We constantly remained vigilant with regards to information coming from Israel. In spite of our fierce determination to help our soldiers we were inconsequential during this war. Indeed, our soldiers risked their lives while fighting for us and our helplessness was overwhelming.


The only comfort we found was in the prayers we offered to appease our anxieties and concerns.


We were conscious that our soldiers were fighting, not only for the safety of the residents of Israel, for us all, Jews from all over the world, so that we could continue to be proud of our identity and live safely in the Diaspora as well.


In order to perpetuate the memory of our young and brave soldiers who died for our country, as well as the civilians, we have taken the initiative of dedicating a Sefer Torah to each of them in order to eternally commemorate their sacrifice. This undertaking is named  Project Kesher Lanetzah.


The formal launch of this Project was held at Netanya on Thursday, September 11th in the presence of Kvod Harav  Rishon Letsion, Harabi Itzchak Yossef Shlita. The first letters of three Sifrey Torah were inscribed before several thousand people. The first Sefer Torah was dedicated to the soldier Hadar Goldin z”l thus launching the official beginning of Project Kesher Lanetzah.


To this end, we invite the entire Jewish community around the world to join us in ordering seventy two Sifrey Torah, to be dedicated to the lives that were lost during “Operation Protective Edge". This initiative has a strong spiritual significance that will perpetually benefit all Jews. The two chief rabbis of Israel have welcomed this initiative with great emotion. Their blessing will undoubtedly ensure the success of this project.


The opening of these Sefarim will be accompanied by a formal enthronement ceremony held at the Kotel on Sunday, August 16, 2015, Rosh Hodesh Elul 5775, attended by many rabbis, the bereaved families, senior members of the Jewish world, IDF officers, government officials and various donors from around the world who are taking part in this initiative.


May the merit of this great mitzvah provide donors and their families’ health and serenity and bring comfort and courage to the families of the victims.


May the merit of this great Mitzvah also bring Refouah Shelema to all the wounded of Operation Protective Edge.









Laurent Yaacov Amram


Also on behalf of the Executive Committee:

Robert Abitbol

Sylvain Abitbol  

Ralph Benatar

Dr. William Déry


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